Jesus is Hilarious!

Jesus is Hilarious!

This is a funny story from November 17, 2021. Jesus IS hilarious and so much fun. He promises to be with His children always and to never leave them or forsake them (Hebrews 13:5). This includes all of His promises being yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20) for those of us who are in Christ Jesus! If He was able to put a hedge of protection around Job (Job 1:10) who was probably not included in any covenant with God, then how much more under the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:6-7, 9-13). Man, we can’t lose for winning!

Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly. (Proverbs 17:12 KJV)

Imagine What This Verse Is Saying!

Proverbs 17:12 says that it is better to be approached by a mama bear robbed of her babies rather than a fool in his folly. Wow! Psalms 14:1 and 53:1 both explain that a fool says in his heart that there is no God which means he has no standard of right or wrong. Fools don’t know good so they certainly don’t practice it. When you meet an angry bear, there is no doubt that you are in danger. A fool can be deceptive.

Jesus is Hilarious!

Today is the 17th, so I am reading Proverbs 17. I came across this verse (Proverbs 17:12) and asked the Lord about it.

Daniel and the Lions

He reminded me of Daniel in the lions’ den. The same lions that Daniel cuddled with all night immediately devoured the wicked guys and their families (Daniel 6:23-24) that schemed to get Daniel thrown in there.

Daniel 6:23 explains that Daniel wasn’t hurt at all! Why? Simply because Daniel believed in his God! Daniel 6:24 tells us that not only were Danel’s wicked accusers thrown in and devoured before they hit the floor of the den but their wives and children were thrown in too.

I am so thankful that my husband believes in his God, His Son, Jesus, and seeks first His kingdom (John 17:3, Matthew 6:33)! Whew!!!

Seriously though, we are each responsible for our own relationships with the Lord. But in our marriage covenant, we are one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5-6, Ephesians 5:31). Our choices affect our spouses and our children.

Our choices also affect our world. We have been given access to all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:17-21), and with many blessings is much responsibility (Luke 12:47-48)!

Some of the greatest choices that you can make every day:

God’s Merciful Hands

Then I was reminded of King David, a man after God’s own heart, choosing to fall into God’s merciful hands rather than to fall into the hand of man (2 Samuel 24:14, 1 Peter 5:6-7).

Dumb Ass Speaking

Animals obey instincts. Men get to choose whether or not to obey God (James 4:7)! God gave the “dumb ass” speech because the prophet wouldn’t hear God!

But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet. (2 Peter 2:16 KJV)

Where Are You (Genesis 3:9)?

If you are not positioning yourself daily to hear the voice of God, you have got to ask yourself: “Am I smarter than a dumb ass?” And this was the punch line! Jesus cracks me up!

Jesus is Fun and Hilarious

This is why I am almost always smiling looking like I am going to bust out laughing! My God created humor!!! Hallelujah! Jesus is LORD!! This is how God explains things to me. He is not as serious all the time as our adversary would have us think! Jesus knows the end from the beginning. Just like He tells us not to fear or worry, He is not fretting any of the chaos in the world (Matthew 6:31-34).


When I started up my computer to share this funny story (published on the 18th), the picture on my screen was a mama bear and her two cubs! Guys, if you are not hanging out with the most awesome, fun, funny, happy God, His name is Jesus, you don’t have a clue what you are missing out on! The abundant life (John 10:10).

You Will Want To Know Him!

One thought on “Jesus is Hilarious!

  1. Hi Star,

    Yes, I agree Jesus uses humor to get our attention. He places scripture In our thoughts and then leads us to the images to fulfill his assignment. And in my case, videos, to confirm his assignment. Thanks for sharing this video. Moma bears are protectors of their young, but they also enjoyed their childish antics.

    God used a talking donkey! Indeed, God created humor!

    As I read your post, the Gospel According to Matthew, came to mind. Jesus was represented as SMILING and enjoying time spent with his disciples and children. But he was also like the moms bear >>>> protective of his believers!

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