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Tag: love



Paul Baloche Hallelujah! HE IS RISEN. Jesus arose to provide the opportunity for us to become CHILDREN OF GOD. Hallelujah and Amen. He laid down HIS life and ROSE again to fulfill the FATHER’s plan for His life. Easter has arrived. And for Christians, it is a time to celebrate what JESUS did for us on the cross. Hence, a time to praise and worship our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. What it is NOT is a time…

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You are loved! Be Loved! God calls you “Beloved” because He wants you to be loved by Him. Unless you receive His love for you, how can you freely give it to the world through your testimony? And there came a voice from heaven, [saying], Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Mark 1:11 KJV) Mark 1:11 is God talking about Jesus. 1 John 4:17 (below) says “as [Jesus] is, so are we in this world.”…

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MY JESUS was inspired by a personal tragedy for Ann Wilson.  Anne Wilson and her family experienced a devastating tragedy. A hopeless situation forced Anne to evaluate who God really is. She had to make a decision if she believed God and if she could trust Him even when it didn’t make sense. Through processing this life event and learning to worship through hardship, God led Anne on a different journey than she expected. He is giving her the opportunity…

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Love of God

Love of God

If we could just get a revelation of the unconditional love of God toward us and then allow it to flow through us into, first, our closest family members, and then into the church, and finally into the world, WOW!!! Revival! Don’t Pass Over the Love of God But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and…

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Binding and Loosing

Binding and Loosing

This post is an expansion of my reply to a question from a fellow disciple about “binding and loosing.” Those who truly fear the Lord, speak to one another often and think upon His name (Malachi 3:16). People who don’t fear the Lord, make up excuses why they “can’t” do His will and produce good fruit (Matthew 25:14-18, 19-24, 25-30). The simple fact that you are reading this, makes me think that you have included yourself in the “fear of…

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I WON’T LET GO touched my heart. It is a reminder that GOD will not let go of us. We are His. As the Holy Spirit leads me, and I obey, I am BLESSED by the songs. The lyrics and the scriptures of this song, I WON’T LET GO, touched my heart. GOD WON’T LET GO of you and me. And the WORD confirms it continually!  The story behind the song written by Jason Sellers and Steve Robinson and sung…

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today is already a very happy birthday for me. It is actually already the best and most happy birthday I have ever had. Before I can tell you how awesome this day is already, I must tell you about the month-long battle that has been raging in my mind. Everybody is Going Through Something! First, I know that we are all at war. We are all going through something because Jesus Himself tells us that in this world we will…

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Perfect Love

Perfect Love

Most Christians know John 3:16 so well that we have become numb to it. Why do we often stop there instead of digging into the entire word? Let’s just pray right now: “Lord, give us a greater revelation of your perfect love for us and all of humanity. Amen!” Charity Love is also translated as “charity” which means giving without any requirements or expectations from the receiver. A revelation of God’s perfect love has the power to not only transform…

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