Search Results for: promises


HOPE CHANGES EVERYTHING is three powerful words. To clarify, HOPE means a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. In comparison, Biblical hope carries no doubt. Biblical hope is a sure foundation upon which we base our lives, believing that God always keeps His promises. INSPIRATION In the light of no official INSPIRATION written to showcase this song, we can conclude the unwritten inspiration is showcased in the lyrics. This song was written by Leonard Ahlstrom, Eddie Carswell, and Michael O’Brien. In…

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You Already Have It

We cannot move God to do something He has already done. I receive from God by believing Him. Do you believe that you already have it? Believe Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them]. – Mark 11:24 KJV Jesus told the disciples after they marveled about the fig tree withering away, “Have faith in God (Mark 11:22).” He tells them and us that we shall…

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You Will Want To is now a non-profit corporation! We have received 501(c)(3) status and your donations to this ministry are tax exempt!!! Thank You for Giving! Please click on the picture of the PayPal link below to go to this page to give any amount. I am grateful to those who do give and support this work monetarily, through prayers, and by subscribing and responding to the “newsletter.” Your generosity pays all of the expenses of operating this website….

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You’ll Never Walk Alone is a song recorded by countless artists. The lyrics speak to hearts, as it spoke to mine. I knew this song was the next article because it appeared before me when I was searching for another song; it brought tears to my eyes.  INSPIRATION  The story of the song and its association with Liverpool the team and the city, as well as many other footballing institutions, dates back to the 1960s. You’ll Never Walk Alone was written…

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I CHOOSE CHRIST is a powerful statement! It declares to the WORLD our decision to FOLLOW JESUS; the ONE who gave HIS LIVE FOR ME.  Written by Sue C. Smith, Gerald Crabb & Jason Cox/arr. David T. Clydesdale – Brentwood-Benson Publishing, it is a powerful song of testimony. When we find ourselves in a place of despair, with no hope in sight, it is there that Christ works all things for our good. Therefore, CHOOSE is a word that changes lives.  What we CHOOSE can bless or…

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I KNOW THE PLANS (Audrey’s Song)  by Damaris Carbaugh touched my heart. The lyrics, scriptures, and images express  GOD’S LOVE FOR US … a plan to give us a hope and a future. We need to hear this message today.  And, to understand the WORD and the PROMISES GOD has given us through His SON Jesus Christ. Our hearts need to be sensitive to GOD’s WORD and not hardened to the WORLD. As a result, as I watched, listened, and read the scriptures…

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TRUST HIS HEART by Babbie Mason touched my heart. It was God’s plan for this article because this video follows the course I just completed on Relationship with God – Hardness of HEART by Andrew Wommack. Unlike my STUDENT STATUS at Charis Bible College, this link is to FREE TEACHINGS that will change your HARDENED HEART! Welcome to 2022.  2021 is now history and 2022 is ahead of us. A new year with new opportunities for us to TRUST HIS HEART and follow…

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Prison Ministry

How do you encourage someone who is in prison? Or any kind of bondage? I have a prison ministry right from my laptop in my recliner in my home office! Jesus said that we would do greater works (John 14:12). You Can Start A Prison Ministry Jesus has given each and every one of us the opportunity to be filled with His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) and the knowledge of Him (Colossians 1:9). Through technology, we can travel through time…

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Jesus is Hilarious!

This is a funny story from November 17, 2021. Jesus IS hilarious and so much fun. He promises to be with His children always and to never leave them or forsake them (Hebrews 13:5). This includes all of His promises being yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20) for those of us who are in Christ Jesus! If He was able to put a hedge of protection around Job (Job 1:10) who was probably not included in any covenant with God,…

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Abide Among the Wise

We can learn to abide among the wise and abhor evil by reading and meditating on the Proverbs daily. Isn’t it convenient that there is a chapter for every day of the month! Being a wife and mother, I read the second part of Proverbs 31 pretty often. See, God gives us the desires of our hearts. That is why we all really deep down desire to be the best! When we delight ourselves in Him, He brings those desires…

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