Search Results for: greatest is love

A Living Sacrifice

Romans 12 starts out telling us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. Paul goes on to say that this is our “reasonable service.” Thank God verse two starts with the word “and,” because it is frustrating to hear a command in the Bible, and not know how to obey it. But Be Transformed We present ourselves as a living sacrifice the same way we don’t conform to this world. We renew our minds. God gives…

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When I was born again in 2008, the love of God was almost overwhelming. As an adult, I had only been to church pretty much as a CEO: Christmas and Easter Only. I certainly had no idea that Jesus literally meant what He said in Mark 11:24, “Whatever things you desire, believe you have received them when you pray, and you shall have them.” Later, I started attending a church, and I did become focused on trying so hard to…

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