Your New Identity

Your New Identity

If you are born again, you have a new identity. I just finished watching Power Academy, Module 2 Lesson 2: Identity and Power. This is a completely free discipleship program. If you have questions about the Bible, I highly recommend this course. Are you already walking in the abundant life that Jesus came for you to have? I still highly recommend this course. I especially recommend Module 2 Lesson 2: Identity and Power to learn more about your new identity.

Study and Meditate

I want to share a few quotes with you that Carlie Terradez shared during this video lesson. I also highly recommend reading along with the notes and maybe printing them out to study and meditate. The last page is filled with the scriptures from the lesson.

Check out the quotes below:

  • God is not the one holding back on us. He has written all his truth down in his Word and has given us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. He has given us the mind of Christ. The rate of “mind renewal (Romans 12:2)” depends on how much time, attention, and passion we are willing to devote. And how open we are in our hearts to allow the Holy Spirit to come in and heal us.
  • If we don’t understand who we are in Christ, we will fall for the counterfeit identity of this world.
  • The way to understand and begin to walk in your true identity is by reading the Word of God. Find out what God says about you.
  • The whole fall happened because Eve put more trust and confidence in the words of the serpent than she did in the Words of God.
  • When we start agreeing with our true identity, power is released and authority follows.

Spirit, Soul, and Body

1 Thessalonians 5: 23 clearly states that we are three-part beings: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Examine Your New Identity By the Word

When the Bible tells us to examine ourselves, we are supposed to be looking in our spiritual mirror, the Word of God, to find out who we really are. When we find out what God says about us and believe God, then we will start seeing the fruit manifest in our thinking (soul) and in our physical bodies. Hallelujah!

We waste so much time asking God for what he has already provided for us instead of just believing him and receiving it by faith. Then we can’t understand why we aren’t able to witness properly to a hurting and dying world because we are also hurting and dying!

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Aren’t you tired of claiming a form of godliness and denying the power (2 Timothy 3:5)? I was literally sick and tired of it. Now I am not just telling you something someone else said or what I think might be true. I am living it.

God had already provided abundant life (John 10:10) through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. I just needed to find out who he really is and who he says I am and then believe it (Mark 11:24)!

All of my healing didn’t happen overnight. It can! I started getting a better revelation in September 2019. You can check out my testimony as I am able to record it. I went to sleep listening to healing scriptures many times while fighting doubt and unbelief.

The following are links to the same resources that God has used to remove the veil (2 Corinthians 4:4) from my eyes:

Stop Believing Lies

I had read and studied the entire Bible for years, but I was believing lies that confused and frustrated me (2 Timothy 3:7). Now the Word that I had already filled my heart and mind with for years is becoming more alive day by day.

My heart’s desire is for you to know the truth (John 8:32) and be set free. The more you study God’s Word to find your new identity and believe what God says about you, the more YouWillWantTo! Hallelujah!

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