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Tag: truth

What is Love?

What is Love?

“What is love?” Before we can answer this question, we must explore, “Who is Love?” Because Love Himself has come down and written all of humanity a love letter titled, “The Holy Bible.” And in this book, He clearly defines the Person and action of LOVE!

Void of Understanding

Void of Understanding

Proverbs 7 is a continuation of “The Instruction of a Father,” in Proverbs 4, 5, and 6. They all begin with, “My son.” We, the church, are not only Christ’s bride, but we are also the sons of God (Revelation 21:9, Philippians 2:15). It is our choice to listen to our Father so that we are not “void of understanding” as the young man described in Proverbs 7:7. My Son Notice that the Proverbs are not written to fools or…

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The world calls people who “sin” and then go to church “hypocrites.” And some of them may be. As with everything else, it isn’t the outward appearance that God is looking at. But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, [ye] hypocrites? – Mat 22:18 KJV As A Man Thinks God sees the heart (Proverbs 23:7). We should never try to judge or discern between sinner or saint (Romans 10:6-9). We should only concern ourselves with staying…

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