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Tag: serpent

That Old Serpent

That Old Serpent

Revelation 12:9-12 gives us a wonderful description (or revealing) of this generation. I think this describes exactly what happened at the resurrection of Jesus! First, God cast out that old serpent. Then, He restored salvation, strength, and the kingdom to mankind on earth as it is in heaven. And finally, when the devil fell (Luke 10:18), he came down unto the inhabiters of the earth with great wrath because he knows that his days are numbered. This is Our Current…

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In the Beginning

In the Beginning

The Bible starts out by telling us about the beginning of time as we know it. “In the beginning, God created (Genesis 1:1).” Paradise. God created (Genesis 1:1) the heaven and earth and everything beautiful and pleasurable for a life of bliss (Genesis 2:8) and dominion (Genesis 1:28) (law: absolute ownership). Everything He has just spent days creating, God calls, “good (Genesis 1:25)” until He creates man and woman (Genesis 1:27) in His own image. Then everything He has made…

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