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Tag: life



“One Pair of Hands” by Elvis Presley ONE PAIR OF HANDS > four words that captured my heart when the Holy Spirit led me to this video.  And the moment the video started, so did my tears.  6,269,496 have watched and listened to the STORY of Jesus’ hands being STRONG > our strength in times of trouble.  Many times I watched this video prior to writing this article.  And each time, the Holy Spirit reminded me of scriptures about JESUS HANDS and the PAIN he suffered in those HANDS for me….

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You are Welcome to Join Us

You are Welcome to Join Us

The theme running through today’s Bible reading is God saying, “You are welcome to join us!” He said the foreigners were welcome to join the Israelites in Numbers 9:14. In Psalm 61, it is clear that lying, murdering, adulterers like King David are welcome to join us. Proverbs 6 says that even those committing the “things God hates” are welcome to join us. Isaiah 20 reveals some butts! And finally, Acts 18 tells us that God’s people are blessed financially…

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Life is Hard

Life is Hard

We don’t really need to be reminded that life is hard. The Bible tells us that in this life we will have trials and tribulations. I had believed for years that those trials and tribulations came from God as a way of teaching us a lesson or punishment for not living up to His standards. Now I am so thankful that I know that God wants to use His Word to teach us. And He lets us know that we have a real enemy that…

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Psalm 1

Psalm 1

Psalm 1 gives us some excellent wisdom from God that we can only fully understand through the Revelation of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Let’s walk through Psalm 1 in light of this awesome revelation and its absolute relevance for believers and warning for the ungodly today. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1 Don’t Go There Jesus hung out with the worst sinners and was even accused…

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In the Beginning

In the Beginning

The Bible starts out by telling us about the beginning of time as we know it. “In the beginning, God created (Genesis 1:1).” Paradise. God created (Genesis 1:1) the heaven and earth and everything beautiful and pleasurable for a life of bliss (Genesis 2:8) and dominion (Genesis 1:28) (law: absolute ownership). Everything He has just spent days creating, God calls, “good (Genesis 1:25)” until He creates man and woman (Genesis 1:27) in His own image. Then everything He has made…

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