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Tag: Jesus

Love of God

Love of God

If we could just get a revelation of the unconditional love of God toward us and then allow it to flow through us into, first, our closest family members, and then into the church, and finally into the world, WOW!!! Revival! Don’t Pass Over the Love of God But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and…

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Binding and Loosing

Binding and Loosing

This post is an expansion of my reply to a question from a fellow disciple about “binding and loosing.” Those who truly fear the Lord, speak to one another often and think upon His name (Malachi 3:16). People who don’t fear the Lord, make up excuses why they “can’t” do His will and produce good fruit (Matthew 25:14-18, 19-24, 25-30). The simple fact that you are reading this, makes me think that you have included yourself in the “fear of…

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“One Pair of Hands” by Elvis Presley ONE PAIR OF HANDS > four words that captured my heart when the Holy Spirit led me to this video.  And the moment the video started, so did my tears.  6,269,496 have watched and listened to the STORY of Jesus’ hands being STRONG > our strength in times of trouble.  Many times I watched this video prior to writing this article.  And each time, the Holy Spirit reminded me of scriptures about JESUS HANDS and the PAIN he suffered in those HANDS for me….

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Crucified with Christ

Crucified with Christ

The Holy Spirit speaks to me with words – sometimes one word, sometimes a scripture and sometimes in relation to a VIDEO/SONG. The Holy Spirit directs me to the videos which result in articles > The Anchor Holds. The words he spoke to me this time > Crucified with Christ. GALATIANS 2:20 I am CRUCIFIED with CHRIST; nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live…

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In the middle of the night, the Holy Spirit woke me to his Psalm. And that awakening led me to his VIDEO and to make Psalm 23 personal.  PSALM 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.2 He maketh ME to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth ME beside the still waters.3 He restoreth MY soul: he leadeth ME in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with ME; thy rod and thy staff…

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Five words that can CHANGE THE WORLD FOR CHRIST: Each One Can Reach One! 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly, or under compulsion, for GOD loves a CHEERFUL GIVER. DID YOU KNOW? There are 100 Bible Verses about SHARING WITH OTHERS! WOW!  Here are just a few to remind you of the POWER OF SHARING. You are a LABORER for CHRIST. To be “steadfast and unmovable” means that we must stand strong in our…

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Life is Hard

Life is Hard

We don’t really need to be reminded that life is hard. The Bible tells us that in this life we will have trials and tribulations. I had believed for years that those trials and tribulations came from God as a way of teaching us a lesson or punishment for not living up to His standards. Now I am so thankful that I know that God wants to use His Word to teach us. And He lets us know that we have a real enemy that…

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Down on your KNEES

Down on your KNEES

When I saw the title of this song, it immediately drew me in. I had to press the PLAY button.   From the beginning to the end of this song, my emotions went on a roller coaster ride of memories of Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. There are 100 BIBLE VERSES relating to the phrase FALL ON MY KNEES related to PRAYER. Reading through the 100 opened my eyes…

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Where is your ARMOUR?

Where is your ARMOUR?

The Holy Spirit speaks to me from WORDS on a page. For this post, the word was ARMOUR. And that word led me to the question, “Where is your armour?” Seeking the answer to this question led me down a path of new understanding and revelations of what is MINE in CHRIST through HIS ARMOUR.    Then, I was led to this song with the title THE ARMOUR.   THE ARMOUR – The lyrics touched my heart >> And the best way to get back…

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The Devil Takes Jesus Up?

The Devil Takes Jesus Up?

The following verses are really just shocking! Matthew 4:5,8 each makes the statement that the devil takes Jesus up! But the Holy Spirit didn’t “take” Jesus; He led Him. How did the devil take Jesus anywhere? In His mind? Maybe. But, the Holy Spirit physically led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. I am thankful Jesus’ example is recorded in the Bible because now I know how to submit to God who does NOT force Himself…

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