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Tag: enemy

Void of Understanding

Void of Understanding

Proverbs 7 is a continuation of “The Instruction of a Father,” in Proverbs 4, 5, and 6. They all begin with, “My son.” We, the church, are not only Christ’s bride, but we are also the sons of God (Revelation 21:9, Philippians 2:15). It is our choice to listen to our Father so that we are not “void of understanding” as the young man described in Proverbs 7:7. My Son Notice that the Proverbs are not written to fools or…

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Talk is Cheap

Talk is Cheap

Throughout the Bible we are warned about people who boast in themselves with their words but fall short in action. We are also warned not to be those people because talk is cheap!

Be Practical

Be Practical

All Promises
All the promises of God are yes and AMEN (let it be done) in Christ Jesus! God is establishing you in Christ. He has already anointed you if you are in Christ!

For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. – 2Co 1:20 KJV
Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, [is] God; – 2Co 1:21 KJV

Hard Times

Hard Times

Are you ever tempted when you are going through hard times to think that you are being punished? Well, you probably are! But not by God. The whole human race has an enemy that the Bible calls the god of this world. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. – 2Co 4:4…

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Loss of a Child

Loss of a Child

Are you confused or “saved and stuck” like I was for many years? I had no idea how to minister hope and healing to myself let alone anyone else. Where do you think that the fruit including peace and joy we have in Christ comes from? The hope we have in heaven alone? Or do you believe that life on this earth is just hit or miss? “Because you just never know what God is going to do?” Can you…

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NewsBoys WE BELIEVE is another powerful song that brought tears to my eyes; it expresses my own personal BELIEFS. And as the pattern continues, this song reminded me of the movie GOD’s NOT DEAD 2 where the BELIEF in the lyrics sparked a court battle to defend a teacher’s RIGHT to BELIEF in her FAITH to share JESUS.  INSPIRATION We have a lot of flavors in this record, and I think “We Believe” says, all that aside, this is who we are….

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That Old Serpent

That Old Serpent

Revelation 12:9-12 gives us a wonderful description (or revealing) of this generation. I think this describes exactly what happened at the resurrection of Jesus! First, God cast out that old serpent. Then, He restored salvation, strength, and the kingdom to mankind on earth as it is in heaven. And finally, when the devil fell (Luke 10:18), he came down unto the inhabiters of the earth with great wrath because he knows that his days are numbered. This is Our Current…

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The Enemy

The Enemy

Do you know your enemy? Football coaches and players study the teams they are planning to compete with. Warriors send in spies to study the enemy and report back to make battle plans. Christians have a lot of information recorded for them in the Bible about who the enemy is and what he is up to. The Bible is a progressive revealing of Jesus, His will, and thanks to the enemy and our rebellion, God’s plan of redemption! None of…

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Where is your ARMOUR?

Where is your ARMOUR?

The Holy Spirit speaks to me from WORDS on a page. For this post, the word was ARMOUR. And that word led me to the question, “Where is your armour?” Seeking the answer to this question led me down a path of new understanding and revelations of what is MINE in CHRIST through HIS ARMOUR.    Then, I was led to this song with the title THE ARMOUR.   THE ARMOUR – The lyrics touched my heart >> And the best way to get back…

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