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Tag: born again

What Is True Repentance?

What Is True Repentance?

What Is True Repentance? Do you know the difference between guilt, remorse, regret, and repentance? GUILT is a prison that will keep you in perpetual bondage. It is a weapon used by the enemy to keep you from receiving God’s mercy and forgiveness. REMORSE keeps you in endless sorrow and suffering. It inhibits your ability to move on due to the hurt you have caused someone. It is also a weapon of the enemy. REGRET is self pity that focuses…

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CHOSEN is a powerful song that touches the heart of many. The biblical definition is one who is the object of choice or of divine favor: an elect person. With attention to this meaning, as born-again believers, we can add CHOSEN to our title as a CHILD OF GOD. I am an elect person; a CHILD loved by the FATHER. [Eph 1:5 KJV] 5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure…

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Here Is My Testimony

Here Is My Testimony

When I got born again (John 3:3,7, 1 Peter 1:23) in 2007/08 I was a fat mess! Literally! I weighed 230-250 pounds easily. I had been overweight or fighting it for most of my life. Our family of six lived in a three-bedroom single-wide mobile home on someone else’s property. I was a straight HEATHEN! I didn’t want to be a heathen. My mother and grandmother raised me, and I was not raised by heathens. My wonderful husband was not…

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In the Beginning

In the Beginning

The Bible starts out by telling us about the beginning of time as we know it. “In the beginning, God created (Genesis 1:1).” Paradise. God created (Genesis 1:1) the heaven and earth and everything beautiful and pleasurable for a life of bliss (Genesis 2:8) and dominion (Genesis 1:28) (law: absolute ownership). Everything He has just spent days creating, God calls, “good (Genesis 1:25)” until He creates man and woman (Genesis 1:27) in His own image. Then everything He has made…

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