Search Results for: love yourself

The Lord is Gracious

Peter tells us that the cares of this world are temporary, but the word of God is eternal (1 Peter 1:25). We can lay wrong thinking aside and taste that the Lord is gracious. Desire more of Him and His word like a newborn baby wants milk. Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1 Peter 2:1-3 A Growing Baby Desires Milk The only time you will see a crying newborn baby…

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Grace Be To You and Peace

Fourteen verses in the King James Bible specifically say that grace and peace are from God the Father and His Son Jesus. This exhortation is specifically from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. The authors of these letters are being inspired by God, the Holy Spirit, to encourage the church. God wants us to know His grace and peace are being poured out or lavished upon us! Wow! “Grace be to you and peace from God our Father…

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Stop Fighting Addiction

Addiction is real. Whether it’s food, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. It is miserable and it is real. The good news is that if you are struggling with addiction, you can stop fighting addiction today, right now. It’s Not All In Your Head When I began studying Dr. Jason Fung’s books about Diabetes and Obesity and other dietary diseases, I began finding out that our bodies react to our actions. When Dr. Fung explained that we are not fighting willpower but…

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The Unlimited Promises of God

All Means All The Bible plainly tells us that it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance (Romans 2:4). The devil wants us to blame God for theft, murder, and destruction. Jesus plainly tells us in John 10:10 these come from the devil. God wants you to know that you already have access to and can experience the unlimited promises of God unto the glory of God! For all the promises of God in [Jesus] are yea, and in…

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According to Romans 10:4, Christ is the end of performance for righteousness for those who believe. However many believers still approach God based on their performance. This is because of deception from the enemy of God and His church! The church is being so caught up in the busyness of dead works to please men and look good to the world that we are not being discipled. We are not seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness! I used to…

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When I was born again in 2008, the love of God was almost overwhelming. As an adult, I had only been to church pretty much as a CEO: Christmas and Easter Only. I certainly had no idea that Jesus literally meant what He said in Mark 11:24, “Whatever things you desire, believe you have received them when you pray, and you shall have them.” Later, I started attending a church, and I did become focused on trying so hard to…

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Who is Jesus talking to? In “Luke 10:18, Jesus was talking to the “the seventy” of His disciples that had “returned again with joy.” The disciples had said, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through your name,” Jesus is telling them, “That’s no big deal, Satan fell from heaven like lightning.” Satan is a defeated foe. Jesus tells these same disciples in the very next verse, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,…

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God Blessed Them and Told Them to be Prosperous!

The very first thing God said to Adam and Eve after He created them in His own image and blessed them was “Be fruitful and multiply.” That’s exactly right. God blessed them and told them to be prosperous! Hallelujah! Money is Not Evil Money and material possessions are actually amoral. Along with television and other technologies and materials, money can be used for good or evil. Money is a tool. The Bible says that the love of money is the…

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You Can Hear God’s Voice

I just finished a lesson in Power Academy about hearing God’s voice. This is a powerful lesson and clears up so much confusion about the various ways to hear him! You can hear God’s voice! Let Transformation Begin Ashli and Carlie Terradez have been and continue to be instrumental in transforming my life through their testimonies and ministering God’s word. I “met” Carlie over a decade ago through some healing material Wesley had ordered. I was so young in the…

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Ditched the Drugs

Warning: This is not medical advice, only my personal testimony of how I ditched the drugs. Please seek wisdom, knowledge, and professional counseling before making any changes to your personal routines. I was on so much medication that I felt like the living dead. Too often, I thought my family and I would be better off if I were dead! But then, I cried out to Jesus, received God’s healing provision, and I gladly ditched the drugs! Death and Sickness…

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