Search Results for: prison

What Is True Repentance?

What Is True Repentance? Do you know the difference between guilt, remorse, regret, and repentance? GUILT is a prison that will keep you in perpetual bondage. It is a weapon used by the enemy to keep you from receiving God’s mercy and forgiveness. REMORSE keeps you in endless sorrow and suffering. It inhibits your ability to move on due to the hurt you have caused someone. It is also a weapon of the enemy. REGRET is self pity that focuses…

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GOD OF REVIVAL are three words that can change a life, a family, a community, a state, a country, and the entire WORLD. If only we would grasp the meaning of the word REVIVAL.  Important to realize, the word REVIVAL means an improvement in the condition or strength of something.  Another key point > “the awakening or quickening of God’s people to their true nature and purpose.” Robert Coleman. [2Ch 7:14 NIV] 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will…

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FORGIVENESS is a powerful word. It is hard to give when you are in the midst of the storm. A time when emotions rule instead of logic. It is truly the hardest thing to give away. INSPIRATION This is the amazing story of Forgiveness, with capital letters. Can a woman forgive the man who killed her daughter? This woman could, and she felt so liberated that she now is helping the man. This impressive story was the inspiration for Christian singer…

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NO HOLD ON ME is a LOUD and CLEAR message we need to PROCLAIM from the mountain tops regarding the devil.   Once again, the Holy Spirit led me to this song out of the thousands on WOW!  He knows what we need before we need it, and HE supplies!!! Amen.  INSPIRATION What inspired Matty to pen these lyrics?   Having battled anxiety and depression for half my life I understand there are moments when it feels like the darkness has an unshakeable…

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You Will Want To is now a non-profit corporation! We have received 501(c)(3) status and your donations to this ministry are tax exempt!!! Thank You for Giving! Please click on the picture of the PayPal link below to go to this page to give any amount. I am grateful to those who do give and support this work monetarily, through prayers, and by subscribing and responding to the “newsletter.” Your generosity pays all of the expenses of operating this website….

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That Old Serpent

Revelation 12:9-12 gives us a wonderful description (or revealing) of this generation. I think this describes exactly what happened at the resurrection of Jesus! First, God cast out that old serpent. Then, He restored salvation, strength, and the kingdom to mankind on earth as it is in heaven. And finally, when the devil fell (Luke 10:18), he came down unto the inhabiters of the earth with great wrath because he knows that his days are numbered. This is Our Current…

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