Dear Lord, thank you for loving us. You are our Daddy, Abba, Father. We love you so much, Father, and we thank you that we can come boldly before Your throne of GRACE. ON THAT DAY. I believe in Christ, risen from the dead. He now reigns victorious; His kingdom knows no end. Through His resurrection, death has lost its hold. I know on that final day; I’ll rise as Jesus rose. On that day, we will see You Shining brighter than the sun.
[Rev 21:4 KJV] 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
DAY: a particular period of time
- On that day, we will know You
- As we lift our voice as one
- ‘Til that day, we will praise You
- For Your never-ending grace
- And we will keep on singing on that glorious day
WOW! Our human eyes cannot fully take in the image of that day. It will be the BIGGEST event of our lives and one that will last into eternity. What a DAY THAT WILL BE. For Believers, it is the day we look forward to because we accepted Jesus’ FREE GIFT OF SALVATION! Hallelujah and Amen to the glory of God.
- What a blessed hope, though now tired and worn
- We will spend eternity around our Saviour’s throne
- Though we grieve our losses, we grieve not in vain
- For we know our crown of glory waits beyond the grave
Jesus wants ALL to come to His saving GRACE. As disciples, He commanded us to GO into all the world and preach the GOSPEL. He wants the world to enjoy eternity with Him; where there is no more sorrow or pain; just endless worship and living in our mansion! When we think about the world and all the LOST SOULS, it should encourage us to make the effort to SHARE THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS.
Just one word, JESUS, can open the door of conversation. Just one email, text, letter, card, call or visit … is all it takes to open that door. When they see JESUS in us, it opens the door for questions.
- Hallelujah, what a day it will be!
- For at home with You, my joy is complete
- As I run into Your arms open wide, I will see
- My Father who is waiting for me
- Hallelujah what a day it will be!
While writing this prayer, I listened to this song again! My heart overflowed with LOVE for MY FATHER WHO IS WAITING FOR ME. He knows me my name. He LOVES me with an everlasting LOVE and that alone puts a BIG SMILE on my face.
- ‘Til that day, we will praise You
- For Your never-ending grace
- And we will keep on singing on that glorious day
Dear Lord, You are our FATHER WHO IS WAITING FOR US. OUR NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN HEAVEN! What a precious ending to the life You created us for. You had a plan for our lives from before we were born. And when we RECEIVED Your plan into our lives, we found peace, joy and fulfillment in using the talents You have given us to bless others. Each day is a new day to SHARE THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS.
Take your GOS-PILLS today:

PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER because JESUS prayed for us!
In the POWER and AUTHORITY in Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen!
YouWillWantTo are the hands and feet of Christ to reach One