Know The Word

Know The Word
Do you realize the power you have when you know the Word of God? The Apostle Paul believed it was so powerful. He referred to the Word of God as, “The sword of the Spirit.” When spoken in faith, it literally has the power to stop the enemy in his tracks and keep you safeguarded at all times.
Be Prepared
It is so important to be prepared with the Word by getting scriptures in your head and heart. A Pastor likened it to “accumulating your resources to draw from when you need it.” I thought that was so powerful. You never want to wait for something to happen to then scramble and look for scriptures to stand on. It is much easier to have that arsenal ready so when an attack comes, you draw that weapon of choice, speak it out, and stop that attack at once. It is imperative to be prepared.
Help From The Holy Spirit
Praise God for the help of the Holy Spirit for those of us who may not be so great at remembering all of the scriptures. God specifically sent the Holy Spirit to help with many things, including bringing to our remembrance His Word. When we are in need, just simply ask the Holy Spirit to bring back to your remembrance the right scripture for that particular situation. He will! Between your abundant resources stored up in your heart and the Holy Spirit, the devil doesn’t stand a chance.
Know The Word
When you know the Word of God and speak it out in faith, there is no devil in hell that can come against you and win. Jesus used the Word of God in the wilderness when satan tried to attack Him. In each instance, Jesus simply spoke the Word and the devil was stopped. Don’t wait any longer, get to know the Word now so your sword will be ready when needed.
Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Ephesians 6:17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Romans 10:17 So faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.