Dear Lord, thank you for loving us. You are our Daddy, Abba, Father. We love you so much, Father, and we thank you that we can come boldly before Your throne of GRACE. IT ALL BELONGS TO YOU. My heart, my mind, my soul belongs to You. My love, my life, it all belongs to You.
[Pro 23:26 KJV] 26 My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
[Pro 4:23 KJV] 23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.
“Keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the springs of life.” Heart, therefore, means the command center of the soul; the mind, will, and affections.
BELONGS: accepted, secure, to be known and loved.
- The songs we sing, they all belong to You
- The air we breathe
- Belongs to You
God wants all His children to surrender their soul to Him. He created us to LOVE Him and wants to be our Daddy, Abba, Father. But this only happens when we answer the call. When we finally surrender all to the Father who gave us life, He will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. When we GIVE our heart, mind, soul, love, and life to GOD, we become a new person! The old is passed away, and all things are new in our SOUL. Hallelujah and Amen to the glory of God.
- Yes, I surrender it all
- Yes, I turn it all over
[1Pe 5:7 KJV] 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
[Mat 11:28-30 KJV] 28 Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light.
From the beginning, God wanted His creation to want Him, not by force, but by choice. So, he gave Adam and Eve the choice to eat of everything except the tree in the middle of the garden. Obviously, they made the wrong choice. But praise be to God, He sent his only begotten son to the CROSS to restore our personal relationship with Him. But, again, He also gave us a choice. We can accept and surrender our soul to JESUS, who paid the price on the CROSS to restore our relationship with the Father, or continue to live without hope of living in our mansion in heaven.
The CHOICE is up to us. When we surrender it all, turn it over to God, and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive a new soul > the soul He created from the beginning.
IF you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, now it is the time. Click on the link below to OPEN YOU HEART to your SAVIOR.
Dear Lord, we thank you that we CHOSE to surrender our heart, mind soul, love > our lives to you > it all belongs to You. We give our lives to You as a testimony of Your great LOVE for us. As we surrender all, take us, mold us, use us, fill us > we give our lives to the Potter’s Hand. Lead us to those who need a word of wisdom and knowledge that will open their eyes to the deep need inside their heart for You.

PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER because JESUS prayed for us!
In the POWER and AUTHORITY in Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen!
YouWillWantTo are the hands and feet of Christ to reach One.