Paul Baloche
Hallelujah! HE IS RISEN. Jesus arose to provide the opportunity for us to become CHILDREN OF GOD. Hallelujah and Amen. He laid down HIS life and ROSE again to fulfill the FATHER’s plan for His life.
Easter has arrived. And for Christians, it is a time to celebrate what JESUS did for us on the cross. Hence, a time to praise and worship our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. What it is NOT is a time to worship and praise the EASTER BUNNY, which is the lost world’s view of this special celebration.
I want to share the INSPIRATION to his worship song. There always seems to be a
“personal” touch of GOD that inspires the writer.
INSPIRATION> “… it’s almost like reading Scripture”
In other words, this is a POWERFUL testimony of the inspiration for this song. I am going to include quotes from this testimony throughout the article. Generally speaking, spiritual lyrics are a gift from God. Therefore, obedience to the still small voice results in a blessing to the world.
Important to know, he arose from the dead. In effect, it was not just a historical event that happened, it has a relevant, and present-day effect on our lives. Therefore, it has the potential if we choose to put our faith in Christ, and in His finished work and go. In the light of this, Paul unpacks our new life, our new creation and opportunity.
In essence, all things are passed away and the life I lead is the hope of glory.
With that said, I will admit that growing up, we followed traditions. Henceforth, the rituals of creating colorful easter eggs, easter baskets, and attending functions for Easter Egg hunts. All in all, colorful easter eggs and chocolate bunnies were standard EASTER SUNDAY traditions. Interesting how memories return in a flash! In short, there were two times a year new clothes came our way > Christmas and EASTER (new everything down to shoes). WOW!
In essence, Easter is a HOLY DAY to worship JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. Jesus wants us to celebrate HIS LIFE!
In fact, I will also admit we still celebrate the holiday with the grandchildren with easter eggs. Instead of hiding “colorful eggs” we hid gifts, not expensive, but small things to put a smile on their faces. And one “tradition” grandpa started years ago was buying a bag of plastic eggs and filling them with quarters, and sometimes, even $1 bills. All the while, remembering that “HE AROSE” so the door to our eternal home in heaven is secured. These gifts are a reminder of the BIGGIST GIFT Jesus gave to us on the cross > SALVATION!!!
- Early morning break of dawn
- Stumbling to the tomb
- Standing awestruck wondering who
- Rolled away the stone
- And as the sun came up
- Amazed they looked inside
- A voice, an angel clothed in light
- Don’t be afraid, He is alive!’
To understand these lyrics, I want to share Paul’s inspiration of VERSE ONE …
With these verses in mind, the lyrics are almost like reading Scripture.
Verse one paints the picture. “Early morning, break of dawn, stumbling to the tomb, standing awestruck, wondering who rolled away the stone, and as they looked they saw an angel clothed in white who said don’t be afraid, He is alive.”
Mark 16:6 (NKJV): You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.
- He is risen
- Hallelujah and Hallelujah
- Christ is risen
- Let the whole world sing
- Christ is risen
- Is risen from the dead
To praise joyously!
Obviously, all words have meaning. In the Hebrew Bible, it is a compound word, from hallelu, meaning “to praise joyously,” and yah, a shortened form of the unspoken name of God. Hallelujah” is an active imperative, an instruction to the listener or congregation to sing tribute to the Lord.
- Sing, with all creation sing
- Of a world made new
- In His life we too may live
- Bursting from the tomb
- And looking up we see
- Our King enthroned on high
- His wounds of love now glorified
Next, verse two is intentionally about from that point on, how does this affect us now? How is the resurrection of Christ relevant to us? The invitation is “sing, with all creation sing, of a world made new, in His life we too may live, bursting from the tomb.”
Psa 104:33 KJV – [33] I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
Which Bible verses connect to the message of the song?
Mark 16:6 (NKJV): You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He Arose! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him
Matthew 28:6 (NKJV): He is not here; for He Arose, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Luke 24:6 (The Voice): He is not here. He has risen from the dead. Don’t you remember what He told you way back in Galilee?
To clarify, some of us that may be wrestling with our circumstances, financially, or maybe depression, or illness of some kind, to say God’s power, God’s life, the life of Christ, His resurrection life was for us to break out and to break through our circumstances and to experience His life.
To conclude > The final line of the song is looking to the day when He will burst the skies, the return and second coming of Christ.
Given the lyrics of this song, let’s venture into the associated MOVIE clip that continues this MESSAGE.
All things considered, Salvation is God’s grace. As a matter of fact, It is the gift of freedom from our sins that Jesus made possible by taking the punishment for our sins on the cross.
Above all, THE WORD tells the results of the crucifixion.
[Mat 28:18-20 KJV] 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.
To emphasize, GO YE THEREFORE is also HIS last words to us! Above all, our SALVATION experience is given to share with others. To clarify, GO means GO (move from one place to another; travel) into all the WORLD using all forms of communication; travel, internet, letters, cards, phone calls, texts etc. In fact, when we GO, we also follow Jesus command to TEACH (show or explain to (someone) how to do something.)
Another key point to remember, WORDS have meanings.
GREAT (adjective > a word that tells us more about a noun): intensity considerably above the normal or average.
COMMISSION (noun > a word that refers to a person) : an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.
To summarize, HOLY WEEK is a time to remember the last week of Jesus’ life. Sunday to Sunday, each day HE followed HIS FATHER’S directions and was obedient to this calling. He knew what he would experience > SO MUCH PAIN > but He did it for us.
On the whole, WHEN HE WAS ON THE CROSS, I WAS ON HIS MIND. He knew JUDAS would betray him, one of his chosen disciples.
By and large, BETRAYAL is hard to handle. All in all, He knew the betrayal was necessary for the fulfillment of his tasks on earth. He knew that HOLY WEDNESDAY would happen! In fact, He was preparing His disciples for this day.
In essence, they heard JESUS tell them what would happen, but they did not HEAR. To summarize, how many times have we heard THE HOLY SPIRIT speak to us and WE DID NOT HEAR? OUCH!
To summarize HOLY WEEK, we need to HEAR THAT STILL SMALL VOICE speaking to our hearts. It is Jesus directing our steps to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF MEN.
PALM SUNDAY: Jesus entered Jerusalem.
MONDAY: Jesus freed the sacrificial animals and cleansed the temple.
TUESDAY: Jesus Taught in the temple
WEDNESDAY: A disciple named Judas Iscarot betrayed Jesus for pieces of silver.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: The Last Supper with the disciples. Jesus washes their feet.
GOOD FRIDAY: Jesus was crucified on the cross. Darkness covered the whole earth.
HOLY SATURDAY: Jesus rested in the tomb.
RESURRECTION SUNDAY: Jesus AROSE! His death, burial and resurrection paid for our sins and gives all who believe in Him eternal live.
To summarize, JESUS AROSE and is ALIVE. Definitely, the movies below are two MUST WATCH MOVIES. Scripture by scripture the WORD reveals the EMOTION and CONVICTION, but most of all, THE LOVE OF GOD to His children.
Overall, the HOLY WEEK videos were dear to my heart this week. Not only did I share it here, but also within my Monday – Friday daily WORSHIP SONG / PRAYER TEXT.
Truly, this week has been an emotional rollercoaster. Specifically, watching the videos brought the week to LIFE. Expressly, the RESURRECTION SUNDAY video. Notably, the last scene > a true representation of the LOVE GOD HAS FOR ME. Jesus was calling ME to FOLLOW HIM.
With this in mind, I challenge you to share your testimony with one person this week. While you have JESUS on your mind, forward this article to one person. Each one can Each One. Therefore, let your LIFE be a living testimony of JESUS’ character. In fact, tell them how much GOD LOVES YOU and HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM.
Therefore, as much as you have received, freely give. Make the effort to share the WORD this week; by phone, letter, card, email, or text. Therefore, every effort made CAN change a life. Most compelling evidence of your FAITH is represented by your character. In the final analysis of HOLY WEEK > we have eternity in heaven!
[Rom 10:14 KJV] 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
Definitely, SUNDAY will remind us of why we celebrate the day. In a WORD, REDEMPTION.
Equally important, even a PERSONAL VISIT is an option! Certainly, there are a lot of lonely people out there who need a friend. Especially a friend who is a CHRISTIAN to share the GOSPEL. Truly, our lives should be an example of the character of God.

To emphasize my final thoughts on this special post > HE IS RISEN and BECAUSE HE LIVES, I CAN FACE TOMORROW!