He Gives Seed to the Sower

He Gives Seed to the Sower

In July of 2019, Wesley and I lost 60% of our income. Wesley will be sharing the story about having a stroke, but I want to focus on 2 Corinthians 9:10: “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, (NKJV).” That’s right! He gives seed to the sower just as soon as you decide in your heart to become one and ask!

Who Supplies the Seed?

I was driving to work one night telling God that I knew I had failed to tithe faithfully, and now there was no way I could justify giving away the first 10% of my income when it was already too little.

In my spirit I clearly “heard” the words, “I Supply the seed, ask.” I asked!

My very next paycheck wasn’t 10% more but 20% more! God not only gave me enough to tithe but extra. I was doing the same job; I wasn’t doing anything different.

Immediately, I knew it was from God. Finally, I told my supervisor a few weeks later that I thought he may be paying me too much. He told me that he had meant to increase it sooner.

Should I Give to Get?

Believe it or not, yes and no! A lot of teaching on financial prosperity sounds like you are giving or tithing to get something from God. As you see in this particular testimony, I didn’t have anything to give. But, God is faithful to His word no matter how far gone we are from acknowledging Him.

I have been learning through classes at Charis Bible College along with my other mentors that you should give to give. God wants to give to you so He can give through you. He is patient and kind!


I would love to say that I have been tithing faithfully ever since that moment. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to start “eating” that seed along with the bread God had given. Contrary to what Job said in his confusion and ignorance and what is popular teaching among Christians today, God didn’t take the extra away when I stopped tithing again.

For God So Loved the World

Our Father is a giver! He gives and gives. Everything in Heaven is filled with the knowledge of God. I pray that you will seek Him today because He promises that you will find Him. When we are born again by receiving Jesus as our Lord, we are translated out of this world’s system of darkness and into Kingdom living here on earth to the level that we are willing to receive.

Seek and You Will Find

I also pray that you will take advantage of this free discipleship material provided by some of my favorite mentors. When you seek Him, he promises that you will find Him. The more you get to know God and His infinite love for you, the more YouWillWantTo.

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