Dear Lord, thank You for loving us. You are our Daddy, Abba, Father. We love you so much, Father, and we thank You that we can come boldly before Your throne of GRACE. EVERY STEP. I can sing with my whole heart, I have all I need In Jesus, my Savior, my joy is complete. Onward to glory yet here I will wait. I will trust in Christ every step I take.
[Pro 3:6 NIV] 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
- I am sure of Your promise to guide me each day
- Though some may oppose me, I won’t be ashamed
- Whatever I face, Lord, it won’t be in vain
- I will trust in Christ every step I take
- For all of my days, I will live for Your glory
- Running with courage and faith
- The prize of my journey, the joy of salvation
- To meet my King face to face
[1Co 9:24 NIV] 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Running with courage and faith > NOT IN DOUBT AND FEAR. We are in constant motion for the LORD. With every breath we take, it means our PURPOSE has not been completed. THANK GOD we woke up this morning. We have FAITH in the SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST, to finish our race to win the PRIZE to hear, “WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVENT!” Today is the day that HE HAS MADE and we shall rejoice and be GLAD IN IT; not depressed by what the WORLD NEWS is throwing at us. They are trying to activate fear, but JESUS CONQUERED fear on the CROSS so we, WITH A LOUD VOICE, shout back, “GET BEHIND ME SATAN!” Hallelujah and Amen to the glory of God.
- My heart set on heaven where treasure awaits
- I’ll run with endurance to finish the race
- I will trust in Christ every step I take
- For all of my days, I will live for Your glory
- Running with courage and faith
- The prize of my journey, the joy of salvation
- To meet my King face to face
[Psa 108:5 NIV] 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.
- I will, I will rejoice
- Whatever comes my way
- God You’re faithful to save
- I will, I will rejoice
- I know that God is with me always
- Whatever comes my way
- God You’re faithful to save
- I will, I will rejoice
- I know that God is with me always
- For all of my days, I will live for Your glory
- Running with courage and faith
- The prize of my journey, the joy of salvation
- To meet my King face to face
HALLEJUAH AND AMEN to the glory of GOD!
IF you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, now it is the time. He is waiting to hear from you. In a moment, your life can change from a sinner to Christian!
Dear Lord, we every step we take, we do it in HONOR to YOU. Our steps are ordered by YOUR LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY on our lives. As the world is trying to force feed our thoughts, we know where our HELP COMES FROM. You told us there will be trials and tribulations, but to be of good cheer for you have OVERCOME THE WORLD and we BELIEVE YOUR WORD.
[Jhn 16:33 NIV] 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
As this new day begins, we give you HONOR and PRAISE for all that YOU ARE DOING through us today!
Take your GOS-PILLS today:
[3Jo 1:2 KJV] 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER because JESUS prayed for us!

In the POWER and AUTHORITY in Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen!
YouWillWantTo are the hands and feet of Christ to reach One