Eliminating Confusion
The first step to eliminating confusion in your Christian walk is to be diligent in your personal relationship with Jesus. The Bible says that the desire of the righteous shall be granted (Proverbs 10:24). 2 Corinthians 5:21 says that we are already God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1:6 says that we make the communication of our faith “active, operative:–effectual, powerful (BlueLetterBible.org)” by acknowledging what God has already done in us through Christ Jesus. Let’s begin eliminating confusion in our own lives, our families, our church, and in the whole world. Amen!

July 10, 2021 Update. I started this blog to tell of the goodness of God that leads to repentance. I wanted to have the categories healthy, wealthy, and wise because I wanted to “rebel” against preaching against these good things that are part of the life more abundant Jesus says Himself that He came for us to have (John 10:10).
Abundant Life!
I didn’t even realize at that time that God Himself wishes above all things that we would prosper (wealthy) and be in good health (healthy) even as our souls prosper (wise). And He calls us beloved (3 John 1:2)!!!
The more I get to know God and His true nature and character and receive these awesome gifts and benefits, the more I realize that these are just to add to the arsenal that God has fully equipped His saints with for battle.
If you read the end of the Bible, you see that the war has already been won. So does that mean that regardless of what we choose to do with the rest of our lives here on earth, Christians have already won? And if so, what’s the point of studying the Bible and eliminating confusion? If whatever will be will be, why do we need to fight?
It is God’s will that NONE should perish! He gives us clear instructions on how to partner with Him and how to fight the enemy. There is a narrow path that few will find, but we can allow God’s word to light it through us as we lead the way by example.
Back to Eliminating Confusion
Until 2019, I was completely in love with God, but I was struggling and confused. I had read or listened to the entire Bible over a dozen times, attended church regularly, taught several Sunday school and women’s classes, and worked as a ministry assistant. I loved the Lord and knew that He loved me, but I wasn’t living a constantly victorious or abundant life like John 10:10 says Jesus came to give me.
Taking Action Produces Victory
In September 2019, I had peace and joy believing in God and His Word, but I also believed that God was in control. I now know this wrong thinking is why I was also at the end of my rope and confused about why my life was miserable in so many ways. I found a little pamphlet on prayer that I had tucked into my Bible study materials years prior, and I went through it again. This time, I actually wrote down the verses and meditated (Psalm 119:15) on them. I also took the action steps in the back of the book and wrote down a prayer.
Since that day, I have been on an awesome adventure of eliminating confusion from my life. This same confusion causes so many Christians the same heartache I was experiencing. I also have victory in every area of my life because I am learning to fight. This website is created to help others begin eliminating confusion and having the more abundant life that Jesus came to give.
His Sovereignty Empowers Our Control
God has given us power, dominion, and authority to take on life and be constantly victorious! In His sovereignty, He has delegated control to us, man, created in His own image. He is NOT controlling this chaos we call life. We are! This is so good to know because now we can take our God-given authority and responsibility and begin to take control of our own lives.
I invite you to go on this excellent adventure with me. I assure you that the more you get to know God, the more You Will Want To!