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Category: Discipleship Evangelism

Too many Christians are saved and stuck in survival mode. Jesus came for us to have life in abundance (John 10:10). We must take responsibility and disciple ourselves which will lead to much more effective evangelism.

Armor of God

Armor of God

When you have taken upon yourself the full armor of God, you are fully protected! Now, above all, you can use this shield of faith to quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked. You can protect your spouse from the fiery darts of the enemy! Protect your children. You can protect your church. Protect your community!

To Judge or Not to Judge?

To Judge or Not to Judge?

I see and hear goodhearted Christians too often unaware judging God and other people. Surely, we know that we should never judge God, but the question remains, “Are we to judge or not to judge other people?” And then, “Why?” or “Why not?”



Understanding all three baptisms is key to coming out of the bondage of false doctrine. When we look at the three necessary parts of baptism, the baptizer, the person being baptized, and the element, we can fully understand this true Christian doctrine better.

Enter the Kingdom

Enter the Kingdom

We have access to enter into His kingdom now in this lifetime. This post explores lots but not all of the Scripture that reveals that Jesus has already given us access to His kingdom here and now and that when we get to heaven we won’t go out into the world to find pasture anymore. In heaven our Father will not prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies! There won’t be any enemies there! Hallelujah! We can and should live an abundant and victorious life here and now.

Repentance and Remission

Repentance and Remission

What does Jesus mean that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name? This is good news for the whole world that God so loved! It’s not about sacrifice or works or being good enough. It is about Jesus and what He has done for all men because of His goodness through His work! Hallelujah!