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Author: Lana Blaze

Our Need For The Cross

Our Need For The Cross

Our Need For The Cross If perfection came before the cross, there would be no need for the cross. Don’t ever get confused about when the time is right to go to God and make Jesus the Lord of your life. The moment you decide you’re willing and wanting God in your life-that’s the time! Don’t you hesitate or question it even for a second because the devil will do everything he can to keep you from making that decision….

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He Is A Good Good Father

He Is A Good Good Father

He Is A Good Good Father How often in your life have you taken for granted the miracle-working power of God? Yet, He remains faithful! He is a good good Father! When you look over your past and think about all the ways God has provided, protected, healed, or delivered you from something, do you keep those in remembrance and stay confident in God’s faithfulness? Or every time a situation arises, it’s a whole new battle where you just hope…

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Faith Or Facts – Which Is It?

Faith Or Facts – Which Is It?

Faith Or Facts Do you rely on your faith or facts when facing an impossible and sometimes frightening situation? When receiving bad news, it is very easy for overwhelming thoughts to flood your mind. You think about all the ways in the natural that this is bad, what is going to happen, you may flippantly say, “I’ll pray it gets better or goes away,” depending on the problem. Natural thoughts and emotions will take over in times like these if…

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Watch That Tongue Of Yours

Watch That Tongue Of Yours

Watch That Tongue Of Yours Watch that tongue of yours and think before you speak. We need to use our words wisely. The power we hold in that tongue of ours. The Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue. You can shift things when you use the right words. This applies to absolutely everything going on in your life. When you understand the power you hold with your words, you can speak over things and…

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The Power of Love

The Power of Love

The Power of Love There is nothing stronger than the power of love. Why? Because God IS love and love never fails. I was meditating on how our approach and interaction with people can be so powerful when we do it in love. Sadly people today are led by their emotions which can lead to all sorts of trouble. It takes discipline to watch your tongue and control your emotions. However, when you lovingly approach people with the heart of…

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The Awesome Power Of God

The Awesome Power Of God

The Awesome Power Of God The awesome power of God that reaches into your heart, stirs you to tears, and drops you to your knees, is a life-changing force that I pray for all who read this. When you experience the love of God, your eyes are opened to a love you never knew. A love that can never leave, a love that can prune and mold you into the image of Christ. It is a love that cleanses us…

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Fire for God

Fire for God

Fire For God Have you lost that fire for God you once had? One surefire way to get that back is to get yourself in a community of like-minded believers. It is next to impossible to listen to people’s testimonies and talk about God and not keep that fire burning. When you succumb yourself to worldly discussions or tune into the garbage on tv, making no time for things of God, of course you will slip away and that fire…

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What God Can Do

What God Can Do

He is your provider, deliverer, restorer, redeemer, healer, and way-maker. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Mat 6:33 KJV”

Your Mind

Your Mind

Something so important to diligently work on as a Christian is your mind. It is amazing how much intention it takes to keep your mind stayed upon God, especially as a new believer. And the difference is HUGE!! Warmth and Love You can actually in this moment, “feel” the difference. Stop reading and just think about God only. Immediately you get this blanket of warmth and love envelope you. It’s so incredible. It takes that instant shift in my thoughts…

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