A PARENT’S PRAYER. A powerful song written from the heart of a mother to her children. As a parent, I pray for my sons daily because it is GOD’s BEST for me and for them. Not only do I pray for them, my prayers start with a worship song inspired by GOD that leads me to write a prayer inspired by that song. As the HOLY SPIRIT always does, He leads me to the song that touches my heart. A PARENT’S PRAYER is that song for this post. The lyrics, “HOLD THEM CLOSE WHEN I CAN’T” brought tears to my eyes. I can’t be with them always, (they are adults now with children of their own), but I know that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ can be with them 24×7.
Every parent wants their child to follow Jesus, I wrote this song as a prayer for my three children. A few weeks after writing this, I had a brain bleed that should have taken my life. But God had different plans. This song is still my prayer: “Hold them close, when I can’t.” Cary McVay
THE LYRICS TELLS A STORY of a Parents Prayer
- Lord, I want my kids to know
- The straight and narrow road
- But the world is waging war against their soul
- This I know
- Lord I want my kids to win over the power of sin
- But I can’t control the choices that they make, so this I pray
- Hold their hearts when I’m not there
- When trials come to test their faith, Let’em know the power of prayer
[Phl 4:6-7 KJV] 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
- Hold their lives in your hands
- When the world tries to push them down
- Provide the grace to stand
- Hold them close
- When I can’t
- Lord, I want my kids to be Living life victoriously
- Yes I know that there’s no win without a war,
- And, Yes, there’s a war
[Pro 2:2 KJV] 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, [and] apply thine heart to understanding;
- Lord, I’m trying to let go
- All of my earthly control
- So that heaven has the strongest voice today,
- So this I pray
- Hold their hearts when I’m not there
- When trails come to test their faith
- Let’em know the power of prayer
- Lord, You know I try the best I can
- But there’s one thing that I understand
- I’m not the Savior that they need to know
[Jhn 14:6 KJV] 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
- And I’m not so blind that I can’t see
- That the greatest place for them to be
- Is not my arms but in
- Hold them close
- When I can’t
- Hold them close
When I wait upon the Lord, He leads me to the worship song and movie to showcase the lives of people. I know when it is “THE ONE” when tears start to flow.
PAMELA’S PRAYER FOCUSES ON THE YEARS 1961- 1991 when many households were GOD and CHURCH focused.
Pamela’s Prayer is a story of a prayerful father, a listening daughter, and the sovereignty of God. It is a faith realized and purity lifted high.
This motion picture portrays a unique story of Pamela Bucklin from her birth in 1969 to her wedding day in 1991.
Her mother died the day she was born. Her father taught her a certain perspective about purity and marriage. All of her friends were dating. Pamela was not. It was hard. It seemed so unfair that her father insisted on such a high standard of purity. She didn’t understand … until the day was got married.
PAMELA’s PRAYER is “THE ONE” for today. This movie touches on the WORD of GOD regarding two things:
1.) God wants PARENTS to pray with their children. This leads them to follow in their example because they are following the WORD. It is the WILL OF GOD to pray.
2.) GOD’S BEST is to follow His plan for our lives regarding relationships and to be on guard with those that try to distract us from what we know is GOD’s TRUTH.
For this movie, it showcases the PROMISE of one father to GOD that he would pray for, and with, his daughter every day. A promise he made after his wife died in childbirth. He did this when he was home, or by phone was he was away from home. He made it a priority in his life to keep the promise!
If ALL fathers would pray for their children, the world would be a better place. But we know that is not the case today. This movie focuses on a decision Pamela had to make to “FIT IN” to peer pressure in High School or follow ‘GOD”s BEST‘ for her.
Remember your HIGH SCHOOL years when the pressure to ‘FIT IN’ was a huge decision to make. To ‘FIT-IN’or be gossiped about. For Pamela, her classmates knew of her faith, especially her best friend, and the boys were trying to make her want to ‘FIT IN’.
Pamela’s father read the BIBLE to her nightly and prayed with her. He wanted the BEST for her life and always reminded her that GOD wanted her to receive her first kiss on her wedding day. But the pressure to “FIT IN” started her faith to waiver.
POWER OF A PARENT’S PRAYER > BUT, because of her father’s prayers, the Holy Spirit reminded her of her father’s words and she walked away from the boy who wanted to be the ONE to brag about it to all his classmates.
As the “teenage boy” tried to convince her it was OK to kiss because all the girls /guys did, she knew that she knew that she knew it was not GOD’s BEST for her. And that knowing caused her to walk away.
As the movie progresses, GOD did bring MR. RIGHT into her life. And, as her father wanted her first KISS to be on her wedding day, GOD plan for a husband appeared. And the day he asked for her hand in marriage, he told her father he had never kissed another girl and wanted his wife to be the first. A HUGE SMILE came across her father’s face and immediately he gave his permission and approval for him to ask his daughter to be his wife.
Times have changed, and not for the best. Our youth need parents’ prayers more than ever. The peer pressure to ‘FIT-IN’ is overtaking our youth > drugs, alcohol etc. Many teenagers are raising themselves with no BIBLICAL knowledge of the WORD. Everyone wants to belong to something or somebody.
As CHRISTIANS we can speak into the lives of our youth, whether our own, or church groups, or any event where teenagers spend time, or maybe just ONE who needs to hear the WORD from us. God wants us to evangelize the world with the WORD, and that includes our YOUTH.
JESUS was the greatest evangelist, and He lives on in inside of us when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
My challenge to you this day; step out of your comfort zone and share JESUS with a youth that is struggling to ‘FIT-IN’ with the wrong crowd. Some may plant the seed; others may water the seed and others may bring the seed to harvest. Regardless of which of these you do, you will be part of the ONE who will share JESUS to lead them to finally ‘FIT-IN’ to the right crowd!!!

PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER because JESUS prayed for us!
In the POWER and AUTHORITY in Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen!
YouWillWantTo are the hands and feet of Christ to reach one.