Search Results for: many called few chosen

Many Are Called, But Few Chosen

There are two parts to being chosen for anything. You choose this awesome player for your team. Yay! But they reject your invitation to play. Do you leave that spot blank? No! You choose someone else! Then, they must accept the invitation to play to continue to be chosen. Someone is invited to a party. Awesome! Let’s party. That person must show up to enjoy the party as a chosen guest. And this is exactly what Jesus explains in Matthew…

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Dear Lord, thank You for loving us. You are our Daddy, Abba, Father. We love you so much, Father, and we thank You that we can come boldly before Your throne of GRACE.  HEART OF A SERVANT. Standing in awe of your grace. Setting my feet in your ways. Entering into your presence to behold you face to face. God of all heaven and earth. Holding me in your embrace. Unfailing love that surrounds me. Oh… God I stand amazed. [Mat 12:18 KJV] 18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen;…

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Mother’s Day Aftermath

I hope you had an extraordinary Mother’s Day celebration with your family, your mother, your church, your world. But, if for whatever reason, Mother’s Day is a day you have to just persevere through, there is hope for the Mother’s Day aftermath! The Hope of Glory! Regardless of what kind of day you had yesterday, Christ in you is the hope of glory! To whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among…

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Continue in My Love

Jesus commands us to continue in His love. That means we have a choice to submit to Him and choose life and the fruit of His Spirit or to submit ourselves to death. Let’s choose life. Choose to continue in His love.

Laughed to Scorn

Have you ever been laughed to scorn? Jesus has! He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. – Mat 9:24 KJVAnd they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. – Mar 5:40 KJVAnd they laughed him to scorn, knowing…

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In YOU God Delights

In my dream last night, I was standing in front of the White House. Before the words, “In God We Trust” came into my mind, I heard, “In YOU God delights.” I meditated on those words while I slept and after I got up. I was so excited about my dream. Tell Them As I thought on, “In YOU God Delights,” He said, “Tell them!” That is what this website is all about. Tell the whole world that Jesus loves…

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Life is Hard

We don’t really need to be reminded that life is hard. The Bible tells us that in this life we will have trials and tribulations. I had believed for years that those trials and tribulations came from God as a way of teaching us a lesson or punishment for not living up to His standards. Now I am so thankful that I know that God wants to use His Word to teach us. And He lets us know that we have a real enemy that…

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Prayer Journal

Prayer is a misunderstood and daunting task for many. Therefore, this Prayer Journal page is a quick resource and reference. Have confidence in praying biblical prayers. Jesus taught His disciples to pray to “our Father” and to pray in His name and His will. Prayer is Powerful Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; – Ephesians 6:18 KJVAnd this I pray, that your love may abound…

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