Dear Lord, thank you for loving us. You are our Daddy, Father, Abba. We love you so much, Father, and we thank you that we can come boldly before your throne of GRACE. VOICE OF TRUTH. Oh what I would do to have the kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I’m in onto the crashing waves.  To step out of my comfort zone into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is and He’s holding out His hand.

TRUTH: the quality or state of being true in accordance with fact or reality.

  • But the waves are calling out my name
  • And they laugh at me
  • Reminding me of all the times
  • I’ve tried before and failed
  • The waves they keep on telling me
  • Time and time again. “Boy, you’ll never win!”
  • “You’ll never win!”


  • But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story
  • The Voice of Truth says, “Do not be afraid!”
  • And the Voice of Truth says, “This is for My glory”
  • Out of all the voices calling out to me
  • I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth

[Psa 29:2 KJV] 2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.


FEAR: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

False Evidence Appearing Real

When we keep our ears focused on hearing the TRUTH, the storms of our lives calm down because we know the PEACESPEAKER. 

 [Isa 41:13 KJV] 13 For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

[Isa 43:5 KJV] 5 Fear not: for I [am] with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;

[Psa 37:1 KJV] 1 [[[A Psalm] of David.]] Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

[1Sa 12:20 KJV] 20 And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart;


[Psa 31:24 KJV] 24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

[Jhn 14:11 KJV] 11 Believe me that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.

  • But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story
  • It says “Do not be afraid! This is for My glory”
  • Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)
  • I will choose to listen and believe
  • To listen and believe the Voice of Truth
  • And I will listen to you, you are

Hallelujah and Amen to the glory of God.

Thank you, Lord for giving us your VOICE OF TRUTH that we can turn to in times of trouble. The WORD, the BIBLE, tells the story from beginning to end. The WHOLE and TRUE story direct from the mouth of God. No human interpretation requested: just ask the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you and the TRUTH will be revealed. 

Today is the day that You have made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. REGARDLESS of what our eyes see and body feels. Jesus tells us to give thanks in everything because HE will make it work out for our good.


PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER because JESUS prayed for us! 

In the POWER and AUTHORITY in Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen! 

 YouWillWantTo are the hands and feet of Christ to reach one.

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